This file is documentation for the SIAM LATEX macros, and provides instruction for submission of your files.
To accommodate authors who electronically typeset their manuscripts, SIAM supports the use of TEX. To ensure quality typesetting according to SIAM style standards, SIAM provides a TEX macro style file. Using TEX to format a manuscript should simplify the editorial process and lessen the author's proofreading burden. It is still necessary to proofread with care.
Electronic files should not be submitted until the paper has been accepted, and then not until requested to do so by someone in the SIAM office. Once an article is slated for an issue, someone from the SIAM office will contact the author about any or all of the following: editorial and stylistic queries; supplying the source files (and any supplementary macros) for the properly formatted article; and handling figures.
Electronic submissions (to should be clearly designated as to the journal and author. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the paper generated from the source files exactly matches the paper that was accepted for publication by the review editor. If it does not, that should be indicated in the transmission of the file. When submitting a file, please be sure to include any additional macros (other than those provided by SIAM) that will be needed to run the paper.
Once the files are corrected here at SIAM, we will send back the revised proofs to be read against the original edited manuscript. We are not set up to shuttle back and forth varying electronic versions of each paper, so we must rely on hard copy. The author's proofreading is an important but easily overlooked step. Even if SIAM were not to introduce a single editorial change into your manuscript, there would still be a need to check line and page breaks as the encoding of Times Roman fonts would change the page makeup of a Computer Modern file.
A sample file is included with this distribution to
demonstrate the standard use of SIAM's macro package. To
provide an incentive for the use of TEX in paper
preparation, SIAM provides 100 free reprints of journal
articles but only to those who have made use of the SIAM
macro in proper fashion. To qualify for free reprints the
following criteria must be met:
The distribution contains the following items: siamltex.sty, the main macro package, based on article.sty; siam10.sty and siam11.sty, files included by siamltex depending on the point size of the document; numinsec.sty, a file useable at the author's option that causes equation numbers, theorem-environment numbering, and figure and table numbering to be reset with the start of each section. Equation numbers shift from single digit form (n) to decimal form (n.m). subeqn.sty is another style option for equation numbering (see ยง3 for an explanation) siam.bst is the style file for use with BibTEX. fixup.sty, a separate file in previous distributions, has been incorporated into siamltex. Also included are this file docultex.tex and a sample file lexample.tex.
The sample file is representative of the standard way to apply the macros. The rest of this paper will emphasize some aspects of this, as well as point out options and special cases, and describe SIAM style standards for authors to conform to.